Senior Graphic Designer
Gatineau, 2012-Present
As head of the design team, developed design concepts for clients such as: PME Inter Notaires, STO (Société de transport de l'Outaouais), Sporthèque, Ville de Gatineau, University of Ottawa and The Government of Canada.
Freelance Graphic Designer
Gatineau, 2011-2012
Worked on some of Innovacom’s major accounts such as: Cassino du Lac-Leamy and Les Promenades de Gatineau.
Graphic Designer
Gatineau, 2010-2011
Designed for print and for the web, working for clients such as: Outaouais Tourism, Hull-Chelsea-Wakefield Steam Train, Sushi Go, Défi Sportif - Montreal, Télefilm Canada, Western Union, UNESCO, Ville de Gatineau and the Government of Canada.
Independent Graphic Designer
Gatineau, 2009-2010
Worked for clients such as: La Lucarne - Rencontres Internationales Cinéma
et Sport de Montréal and Iswe Idéias (Rio de Janeiro)
Embelleze Cosmetics
Graphic Designer
Rio de Janeiro, 2003-2009
In collaboration with the marketing team, developed numerous product brands as well as packaging, ads, catalogs and promotional material.
Zot Design
Partner and Graphic Designer
Rio de Janeiro, 1996-2003
Managed clients and projects. Developed publications, visual identity, environmental design, website interface and digital media projects for clients from the arts and culture sector, such as art museums and galleries.
PUC-Rio (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro)
Rio de Janeiro, 1992-1996
Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design
Education Abroad Program (USA)
Davis, 1993-1994
Academic Year at University of California - Davis. Main areas of study: Exhibition Design and Textile Design
Seminars Attended
RDV-Design (6th edition)
Montreal, 2014
Several renowned speakers from Canada, Europe and USA.
Visual Designers of the 20th Century
Rio de Janeiro, 2006
Seminar by professor Andre Stolarski
6th ADG-Brazilian Graphic Design Biennial Exhibition
São Paulo, 2002
First place - digital media category
Work: Antonio Dias interactive CD-Rom
Work selected for major graphic arts and electronic media shows such as:
MECAD-Media Centre D’Art I Disseny de Barcelona International CD-Rom Art Exhibition, Barcelona, 1999
Vidarte - Video and Electronic Art Festival, Mexico City, 1999
4th ADG Brazilian Graphic Design Biennial Exhibition, São Paulo, 1998.
Videobrasil - International Electronic Art Festival, São Paulo, 1998
Work published
Antonio Dias CD-Rom, Communication Arts, USA, March/April 2003
Portuguese as first language;
Fluent in English and French;
Basic knowledge of Spanish.
I am very passionate about what I do. Every project is unique and I love that I get to explore new ways of doing things every day. The beauty of my profession is that it is constantly changing and I am driven to change and evolve along with it.